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Eye-Tracking Workshop 2019

February 25 - 26, 2019

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The Eye-Tracking Workshop 2019 was held on 25th - 26th February 2019 at Dewan Bankuasi, Universiti Sains Malaysia Pulau Pinang. In this workshop, participants were introduced to the application of eye-tracker through hands-on demonstration of the SMI eye-tracking device. The fundamental theory underlying eye-tracking, the mechanism of the eye-tracking device in forming the experimental design and protocol of eye-tracking research, and data processing of the eye-tracking device were subsequently presented to the participants. Besides, participants were exposed to the current trend in the field as well as the updated methodologies and applications of the eye-tracking device. 




1) Understand the fundamental theory and application of eye-tracking

2) Be able to design and produce feasible eye-tracking research

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